Saturday, January 1, 2011

Party TOTS

I just recently watched The Time Traveler's Wife, and it made me cry like a menapausal mother at a wedding, but anyway, my friend told me about the work of Vee Speers, whose photography is lovely, and when looking at her latest work, i know if i could travel back in time to my childhood i would most likely arrive to my parties dressed like one of these kiddies.
Lens culture is another blog i look at, and this description truly evokes the spirit of what the work's intention tries to bring to it's viewers:
The Birthday Party

photographs by
Vee Speers

Imagine you are 8 or 9 or 10 years old. You are invited to a birthday party, a costume party, and encouraged to dress up as a creature of your own wild imagination. How would you imagine your alter ego at age 10?

Some of the innocent ones dress as princesses, dancers, spacemen, or angels — sublime and stunning. Some boys choose the macho images of soldiers or gladiators. Other young party-goers seem more in touch with their dark sides, and arrive as gleefully-mean rodent exterminators or scowling torturers of baby dolls. The scared ones seem as if they were dressed bizarrely by Mommy Dearest and forced to participate against their wills in this nightmare freak show.

All together, the party takes on the tone of a twilight zone of dark dreams, hidden desires, innocent beauty, and sinister revelations of twisted inner realities. An unsettling mixture, to say the least. Not much fun, unless you crave the bizarre and surreal. A little bit like real life sometimes, no?

This is the most recent photo series created by Australian-born, Paris-based photographer Vee Speers. People who remember her Bordello series will recognize Speers' continuing fascination with the trickery of appearance, and the power of masks, costumes and outward signals from inner worlds.

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